
    Unlimited Data Plan
    04.05.24 | Articles | by Joel Jacobs

    No matter your age, we all have reasons why we are glad to be a part of our particular generation, and I’m very grateful I was born in the time that I was. I fall into the generation affectionately known as “Xennials.&rdquo...

      Looking Unto Jesus
      03.29.24 | Articles | by Diana Wade

      There is a song that I wrote in 1976. At that time, I was working as a counselor in Juvenile Court. I was also expecting a baby, and some things in the world around me did not look promising. It’s called “A Song About...

        You Are Not Alone
        03.22.24 | Articles | by Jennifer Wade

        The last couple of months have not been the easiest. There have been times I felt alone and times I felt used by people who I thought loved me. About 6 weeks ago, I was sitting at a traffic light after dropping Anniston and Avery off at...

          Beware the Ides of March
          03.15.24 | Articles | by Anthony Wade

          Okay, I’ll admit the title for today was meant to see if you paid attention in your tenth-grade English class. My friends and I may have been the ones who tried to get the teacher off topic during those lectures on Shakespeare. Oh, what...

            People Are Weird...
            03.08.24 | Articles | by Joel Jacobs

            People Are Weird Weird (adj)- of strange or extraordinary character. Synonyms- bizarre, crazy, erratic, off-the-wall, quirky. Maybe as you were reading that first sentence you already have one or more people in your mind that fit that...

              Safe and Secure
              02.23.24 | Articles | by Anthony Wade

              There is something about a safe place. A strong place. A place that isn’t moved by the storms of life. Steady. Reliable. Immovable. I guess the picture I have in my head as I write this is like a storm shelter or some sort of safe house. A...

                Waiting Confidently
                02.02.24 | Articles | by Anthony Wade

                There is a very familiar verse that has been coming up in my spirit for a while now. I would quote it to myself, be thankful for it, and sort of go on about my day. This kept happening over a little stretch of time and, finally, I knew that there...

                  Follow the Plan
                  01.05.24 | Articles | by Anthony Wade

                  If I had to guess, I would venture to say that you have some plans in place for your life. At one point or another, you have probably thought about and even written down a retirement plan, a weight loss or exercise plan, a plan for your...

                    A Time To...
                    12.29.23 | Articles | by Diana Wade

                    This week I have been thinking about time. We can tell from the way the sun rises and sets that our Heavenly Father put some thought into it. The song said, “sunrise, sunset, swiftly go the years”. If you are over 50...

                      12.08.23 | Articles | by Joel Jacobs

                      I recently came across some excellent definitions of some basic Biblical principals and the Lord immediately began to show me awesome revelations about my personal walk of faith, but also how to encourage others in theirs. I saw the connection of...
