No More Care

    Feb 10, 2023 | by Jennifer Wade

    Are you a thinker? Do you find yourself wondering what you’re going to do? When times get tough, do your problem-solving skills kick in? Do you find that your great concern over matters slowly turns to worry and then worry turns into full blown fear? For so many, the answer to these questions is yes and it happens on a daily basis. But I have great news for you! As a believer in the Lord, this is NOT how you are meant to live your life.


    God’s plan has always been that you live in perfect peace. The entire Bible is against worry because it’s a design of the enemy to keep you bound, stressed and strained. Jesus preached against it and so did Paul. Here are just a few examples of scriptures that back that up:

               Philippians 4:6- “Do not be anxious about anything…”

               John 14:1- “Don’t let your hearts be troubled…”

               Matthew 6:31- “Don’t worry…”


    We are to stop all worried thoughts before they even start. The mind is where the battle between worry and peace takes place. 2 Corinthians 10:5 states “we take captive every thought.” Whatever you allow to captivate your mind will rule your life. If you desire the Word of God to reign over your thoughts, you have to resist the enemy when he tries to plant anything that is opposing to that. 


    Have you ever gotten a text from someone and it wasn’t good news? In fact, it was pretty bad news? Immediately, your mind starts going 100 mph. This is where you make a choice. Will you begin to worry and take the care of this thing, or will you stand firm in your faith and tell the devil where to go? The only way to successfully achieve this is to take that thought captive quickly! You have to do this so the negative thoughts and ideas don’t roam around freely in your mind. Once you have taken a thought captive, and it tries to creep back in, immediately begin to pray in the spirit. It is impossible to worry when your spirit lines up with God’s.


    Joshua 1:8 tells us to “Meditate on the Word day and night.” We need to understand that it is important to replace any worry that tries to attach itself to us with the Word of God. Philippians 4:8 says to “think on whatever things are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, and of good report.” You have to control your mind, but you have been given help to do so. The GREATER ONE who dwells within you is able to help you as you are obedient to replace worries with the Word. Every time a situation presents itself, be armed and ready to fire back with a response from God’s Word. The more time you spend meditating on it, the quicker your responses will be. I can fully attest to this revelation in my own life. 


    I have also learned the importance of 1 Thessalonians 5:11, “Encourage one another and build one another up.”  There have been many times it seemed I was on an island by myself when dealing with cares or worries of this world. The Lord showed me years ago the importance of being surrounded by like-minded believers and others who would hold me accountable for my words, thoughts, and actions. I am thankful to have a husband who lives and walks by faith and helps call me to higher levels. I am also blessed to be surrounded by friends who do the same. When things get hard, go to those people who are going to speak TRUTH to you. Don’t go the people who are going to “baby” you. Remember, you don’t get your comfort from them anyway. The Holy Spirit is our comforter. But, it is good to have friends and family who speak “real” to you with Biblical Truths. 


    Life is full of opportunities to worry and take on the cares of this world, but you don’t have to take them. You know how to stop worry before it starts. When you obey God’s Word to cast your cares on Jesus, you will begin to live in divine peace that only Jesus can give. This is the abundant or “sweet” life as I tell the Faith Kids. It belongs to YOU!!


    Be blessed, friends! May you NEVER live another day with a worried thought! 

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